Blood moon! Bloody Owesome!
So we have kicked into full winter over here. Endless dripping noses, dark mornings and slippery footpaths. Drizzle. Mist. Condensation... Dropping kids at school in a line of steaming cars. Blah.
Thank god for coffee. And red wine. And of course the odd Munro sock ...One of the benefits of making socks are toasty toes. No one round here leaves the house without them.
And then there was that blood moon! What a sight. First we watched it rise big and full above the hills and it was insane - the kids were completely fascinated. Then the adults got up and watched the eclipse. We stood outside in the dark and the cold. It was completely still and crisp - that good side of winter. It felt pretty primal too. I could have howled and danced or got down on my knees. Makes you understand a bit more about what it was like in the past with no lights or technology or answers to questions like what is a moon and could we land on it one day? Could we make socks with small dogs on them?
Apparently it made a few people a bit crazy. I may have yelled at the kids a bit more the day it rose... but I think I'll put that down to their general insanity (eclipse or no eclipse).
And I'm all for crazy - without it I don't think I would have made it here. Who puts their heart and soul into righteous undies? Me! Woop!
Happy blood moon everyone. I hope you got a little bit of the moon juice at your place, and you're managing winter with warm toes - if not, I think I can help...