Love yourself
I wrote the story of our new bras recently. We posted it on Facebook and got a lot of comments about our sizes and our choice of model. People felt we should be more size inclusive and that our model was too skinny.
I want to say I hear you and we’re talking about what we can do. I’ve never fitted the “ideal” and after years of trying and failing or of not trying and feeling like I’m a failure, I think I’m almost at the point where I can look in the mirror and see a body that had carried me across the globe for the last XX years and be proud.
My son Ralph told us the other day that he was his own best friend. Isn’t that amazing? Imagine looking at yourself with that love - and feeling like there was no better company.
Our bras do fit many shapes and sizes and we are looking at how we can expand that still. This is just the start of my wireless journey. I am in the XXL and my FFs fit in there perfectly. That’s not to say yours will but we’d love you to try.
We use a whole range of people as models. It’s important to me that everyone can see someone they relate to having a good time in knickers and loving themselves - just like Ralph!
Our model for our bras is a bright and bubbly woman who we think did a beautiful job. We’ll be doing more photo shoots in this range and we’ll be showing diversity like we always do - that’s what Munro is about.
Thank you for your feedback. I’m really pleased you raised your voices. The industry is changing because of you and we are right alongside that change.